Addition of Raw Gas Saturation Tower: A tower for raw gas saturation is introduced, which plays a pivotal role in providing process steam and improving thermodynamics and energy levels.
Utilization of Gas Turbine-Driven Process Air Compressor: A gas turbine is employed to drive the process air compressor, further reducing energy consumption.
Mild Conversion Conditions: The process incorporates milder conversion conditions in the first stage, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and a smaller furnace size.
Two-Stage Reforming with Excess Unpreheated Air: The second conversion stage introduces excess unpreheated air, optimizing the process.
Low-Energy-Consumption Benfield Desulfurization: A low-energy-consumption Benfield desulfurization method is employed to reduce the environmental impact.
Ammonia Synthesis using Low-Pressure Process Loop: Lowering the synthesis pressure, along with the use of low-pressure catalysts, significantly reduces energy consumption. Comprehensive hydrogen recovery and ammonia recovery are also integrated into the process.
These innovations collectively reduce the specific energy consumption per ton of ammonia, making the ICI-AMV process a game-changer in the industry.